Locating A Professional in NH

We love being a resource for homeowners and business owners in our area. Frequently we receive calls from people inquiring about where to get a septic design–we are licensed to evaluate septic systems and licensed to install septic systems, but at this time do not have a licensed designer on staff.


Some great resources/websites that we use:


  • The Granite State Designers & Installers web search: Professional Locator. We are not sure how often the website is updated, but it can be a great place to start when looking for a licensed professional (it is worth noting that this website does not have the current list of NH licensed evaluators… if you’re looking for that, here is the current list: NH Licensed Septic Evaluators).


  • The Department of Environmental Services portal: DES QUERY (Click ‘Designer And Installer Query’ and on the next page, choose your county & the license type you’re looking for and then click ‘Execute Query’ at the top left of the page for a list).


2017 EPA’s SepticSmart Week!

Just like one week every fall, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is focusing on educating homeowners and communities about proper maintenance and care for septic systems! “Do your part to be ‘SepticSmart'”! If you’re a homeowner, check out this link for helpful tips and information about your system: SepticSmart Homeowners

2016 EPA’s SepticSmart Week!



Every year the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promotes septic tank awareness and offers information and suggestions to homeowners.  The information provided encourages those with septic systems to maintain them properly and forget the idea of “Out of Sight, Out of Mind”.



For EPA resources, click the link here: RESOURCES  Here you can view helpful information regarding how your septic system works, how to maintain the system and why it’s important, what happens after you flush, etc.  Seriously, some really good information to have as a homeowner with a septic system.